Volunteer Opportunities


Donate your gently worn, used and new shoes of any size or style!  Diane Husk will accept donations throughout the month of September benefiting the City of Flags Chorus.  Please contact Diane at DianeHusk@yahoo.com for more information or to arrange a pick up.


Do you order from Amazon?  Did you know that a percentage of your sales can go directly to the Ronald McDonald House of Akron?!  It's simple - when making your next order go to SMILEAMAZON.COM and set up with our favorite charity - The Ronald McDonald House of Akron!

Cookies for Hospice

JWCC provides baked good items and snacks for patients and their families throughout the year.  *UPDATE* Hospice is now accepting homemade baked goods again! You may bring your baked goods in non returnable containers and store bought items, chips, fruit (apples, bananas, oranges), candy, etc. and drop them with the front desk at the Care Center located on Ridgewood Road.  Six service hours will be given for providing 3-4 dozen items.  Contact Joyce Hargreaves for more information.


We are no longer accepting ink cartridges or Acme reciepts.  Please contribute these to another worthy cause. 


Volunteer Hours

Volunteer Hours                                                                 (revision 3/13/17)

Volunteer hours (both DIRECT and INDIRECT) may be earned as follows:


DIRECT Volunteer Hours

DIRECT volunteer hours are those hours that are “hands on.” You can claim hours driving to and from a volunteer opportunity and by physically spending time doing or performing the volunteer task. For example: you work for two hours at a facility, such as the Haven of Rest, and it takes you half an hour to drive there plus half an hour to return home, you would count 3 hours as DIRECT hours.

Additional DIRECT hour opportunities are as follows:

Blood Donation – a total of 15 hours for each donation.

Goodwill, Salvation Army, Haven of Rest, etc. – Taking used clothing, shoes, etc. earns one (1) hour for fillingonestandard size grocery bag or five (5) hours for filling one large trash bag.  In addition, you would receive half the estimated current value for any furniture, electronics, etc. donated.

Mobile Meals – Six (6) hours per trip.

No-Sew Fleece Throws – Small (infants and toddlers) 2 yards of fabric: 10 hours each.  Large (teens) 3 yards of fabric: 12 hours each.

Pop Tabs (Akron Children’s Hospital) – One (1) hour per sandwich-sized zip lock bag of pop tabs.

Ronald McDonald Charity Golf Classic – All hours worked the day of this event, plus travel to and from, are included in DIRECT hours. Since this is our largest JWCC fundraiser you will receive bonus hours in the form of double hours for those members who work 1-8 hours, and triple hours for those members who work 8+ hours on the day of the event. (Example: if you work 10 hours at the event, you may record 30 hours as DIRECT hours.)


INDIRECT Volunteer Hours

For these JWCC-sponsored activities, earn half (1/2) the purchase price of the items listed below in hours. (Example: Spend $10 on school supplies and earn five (5) hours.) Check the monthly Courier for updated JWCC-sponsored activities.

ACCESS –any items requested by the Civic Chair.

Battered Women’s Shelter -- any items requested by the Civic Chair.

Children’s Hospital – New coloring books, crayons, markers, sticker books, stuffed animals or other items requested by the Civic Chair.

Children’s Services – New donations for the Christmas Toy Room, Easter Basket donations or items as requested by the Civic Chair.

Haven of Rest – Donations as requested by the Civic Chair.

Hospice Snacks for families – All snacks must be purchased and individually wrapped. Whole fruit with a skin, such as apples/oranges/bananas, may also be donated.

Ronald McDonald House – Items or monetary donations requested by the Civic Chair.

Ronald McDonald House Gift Bags – Bags and items purchased for bags.


JWCC Fundraising Events/Auctions/Raffles

In Club Raffle Tickets: half (1/2) the value in hours of any tickets sold or purchased

Silent Auction: half (1/2) the value of the item, in hours, whether donated by yourself or acquired by you from an outside donor


Your 50 Hours

Your fifty (50) hours of volunteer services as a JWCC member may include any of the above suggestions along with church youth groups, scouting and coaching provided your own child or grandchild is not involved.  If your child or grandchild is involved, you may count hours only after you have fulfilled the minimum requirement of 50 hours.



  1. Political Work
  2. Attending other civic club general meetings or sitting on other boards. For example: Junior League, Welcome Wagon, Witan, Copley or Fairlawn or any community Women’s Club, and Homeowners Associations.
  3. JWCC Committee Work – Each member of JWCC must volunteer ten (10) hours of in-club work. The Committee Chairwomen at the end of the JWCC event will submit these hours to the 2nd Vice President. Please DO NOT record these on your individual sheets. The following JWCC committees are included: Program, Christmas Brunch, Social, Scholarship Selection, Scholarship Fundraiser, Battered Women’s Shelter Fundraiser, New Member and RMH Golf Classic.


**The only committee members who may count hours after they have completed their ten (10) in-club hours are those on our RMH Golf Classic committee, because it is the only committee open to all club members. You may count travel time on this committee.


If there are any questions concerning volunteer hours, please contact the JWCC Trustees.

Please check the monthly JWCC Courier for other volunteer suggestions.

Contact Us Today!

P.O. Box 5217
Fairlawn, OH 44334

E-mail: President@JWCCAkron.org


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